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How we helped Boom Butik automate 15% of their customer service from day one

Danish fashion and lifestyle brand Boom Butik has experienced tremendous growth since its formation during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown in Denmark. Tapping into and helping define Copenhagen fashion, they have reaped the benefits of their brand positioning. With this growth, a need for scaling their customer service efforts was needed. They partnered with MakesYouLocal to create a chatbot which made them available 24/7, automated 15% of all their customer interactions, and acted as an extension of their website.
of all customer service conversations fully automated with a chatbot
Full customisation
of the chatbot's look and feel based on Boom Butik's style and brand
of users deciding to self-serve with the chatbot rather than going to a live chat
By implementing a chatbot on their website, Boom Butik was not looking to deflect or decrease the amount of interactions and communication they had with their customers. Rather, they wanted to provide customers with more ways of communicating with them, allowing the individual to choose the appropriate solution for their wants and needs at their preferred time of day - or night.
With that in mind, Boom Butik's chatbot managed to handle 15% of their customer service across all their channels. This was achieved without trying to force customers to the chatbot but merely providing a chatbot as an additional customer service channel. 84% of customers opening the chatbot widget engaged with the chatbot rather than starting a live chat and of them, 70% got the help they needed then and there, and the rest were seamlessly handed over to one of Boom Butik's agents.
This resulted in a 15% automation rate for Boom Butik and an 89% satisfaction rating of the chatbot.
The look of your website and social channels are an essential part of defining your brand identity. This is further enforced by the customer service agents answering customer requests in a specific tone of voice and way of communicating. When purchasing customer service technology from a third party, it is essential for most brands that the look and feel of this matches the rest of the shopping experience.
Through collaboration and communication back and forth, Boom Butik's chatbot is now as integrated and identifiable as theirs as possible. The Helvetica font carries the fully customised messages, with fitting emojies and wit, ensuring that the chatbot communicates the way Boom Butik does, ensuring a consistent experience aligned with their other channels.
To dot the i, the chatbot widget hovering in the bottom right of the page was hand drawn by the same artist that drew all the other buttons on ther site. This attention to detail further solidifies the consistency with brand identity that is attainable even when outsourcing one of your customer service channels.