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Email is the biggest channel in customer service by volume. By routing customers through a contact form that suggests answers on the way, you can answer 30% of all emails before they are sent.



Despite consumers becoming more open to self-service solutions in customer service, email is still the biggest channel, and customers still think that the issues they are experiencing is quite unique. Through the 100.000s of conversations we handle every month, however, we have found that usually their questions fall into the "frequently asked questions" category. By combining your help center and a contact form, you can answer email conversations before your customers hit send.

  • Deflection done right
  • Suggesting answers
  • Easy handovers
There is nothing to gain from trying to hide the option to contact customer service to get help. However, instead of going to a traditional contact form or just displaying the email, a "Contact us" button can link to a mail filter, which asks the customer to specify the issue.

Main menu of the mail filter


When the customer identifies what their question is about, the Mail Filter provides the most common answer to this question, giving the customer a chance to solve their issues right away.

Despite the customer thinking their issue is unique, and something they would not be able to get an answer to, it is the preference of 70% of customers to find the answers themselves. With this approach, you can provide these customers with their preferred method of getting help when they thought it was not possible, creating a memorable, and positive, customer experience.


Answer example in the mail filter


Not everything can be answered by a machine. Sometimes a human touch is essential for providing great customer service. In these cases, the customer fills out their information, and the email is forwarded to the team like a normal contact form.

So far, we have seen a 40-60% success rate with the Mail Filter, which helps the customer get an answer faster, while our clients save customer service resources.

Write an email in the mail filter



All conversations included
24/7 availability
Monthly monitoring by trained Automation Specialists
Continuous improvement
Performance reporting


Before automating anything, you should consider whether it provides value to your customers. The best way of doing this is by letting the customers decide themselves if the automation is valuable. Our Mail Filter product acts as a smart contact form, suggesting answers to customers before they even send their emails. To ensure the Mail Filter is working well, our in-house Automation Specialists track key performance metrics to ensure it is as efficient as possible for the given market and addresses the unique needs of the local customers.

Nice deflection
With the correct phrasing you reframe deflection so customers consider it great customer service.
Add the Mail Filter to your order emails as contact points, so customers can easily find answers to their order questions.
Immediate answers
Customers want fast customer service – with a Mail Filter, your email conversations get answered before an email gets sent.


Have a chat with our expansion specialist, Antonella

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